Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Early Bird Challenge

It's March 18th and I think my body is finally getting back into the rhythm of things as far as sleep patterns go. I finished an absolutely wonderful spring break trip with Sarina on Sunday. We spent a couple days in my hometown of Moab and then a few days in her hometown of Bountiful. It was nice to get a taste of what each others lives were like before we met and to compare and contrast who we are now and who we were before college. 
Let me tell you one thing though, I had absolutely no problem jumping right back into my sleep pattern of sleeping in till 12 everyday. It was glorious! Unfortunately, it made getting up at 6 a.m. absolutely unbearable. It doesn't help that I'm currently in the terrible and difficult process of transition from a night owl to an early bird. I've always been a night owl. I think I work better at night, personally. But, what always ends up happening is I use up too much energy at night that I'm never on top of my game for the next day. Slowly the realization is coming that it would be more beneficial to wake up early and use that energy to take on the day and in doing so finish any and all work, than waiting to do it all at night. This also allows me more time to watch TLC and eat Totinos Pizza Rolls. 
This is why I'm officially starting the Early Bird Challenge. I'm going to try my hardest to focus on going to sleep earlier and waking up around 6, then record the results to see if it's hurting me or benefiting me in the long run. Life is a gift, and I feel that each and every second of the day should be lived to its fullest. This means waking up before the sun rises so you can be extra prepared for when it does! This should be a fun adventure and we'll see how long I can last. Start taking bets now!

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